Σκεπτόμενοι και παπαγαλάκια

Με το παρακάτω άρθρο συμφωνώ, και όλοι πρέπει να έχουμε το νου μας μη πέσουμε στο μέγα σφάλμα που περιγράφεται λόγω συνήθειας, επειδή έτσι μας έχει μάθει το σύστημα. Οι πεποιθήσεις μας πρέπει να είναι αποτέλεσμα έρευνας και ελεύθερης σκέψης, όχι παπαγαλία.

"Creative thinkers, leaders in the realm of ideas, are those who know how to think long thoughts, to sustain a mental question long enough to reach the end of the answer. Few people do this. We’ve been trained since birth to accept what others tell us as reality without looking deeper. Children are rewarded for getting “the right answers” on test rather than for growing original answers or questioning the pat answers they’ve been given. Curious kids are told “curiosity killed the cat” or “you ask too many questions.”

The system is set up to discourage long thoughts because people who think are a danger to the system. Thinking deeply enough allows you to connect isolated pieces of information, revealing the system’s real mechanics and ultimately its agenda. If enough sheep on the farm start thinking about their situation, noticing the pens that confine them, wondering why their wool regularly vanishes and what happens to their friends who disappear, that’s a danger to the sheep farm operation. Humans getting too smart is a danger to the New World Order.

We say “people are waking up.” They are, and it’s good to see the numbers who are not accepting the long-standing answers anymore. But what disturbs me is that so many simply replace one imposed thought system with another, rather than becoming truly independent thinkers.

I’m noticing this in the Truth Movement, the continuous parroting back of what David Icke says, what Alex Jones says, what Zeitgeist Addendum says, what various leaders in the Truth Movement think. Icke and Jones are independent thinkers, but what about the rest of us? Isn’t simply repeating such people’s brilliant insights almost as dangerous to truth as parroting back the system’s propaganda?

Let me explain why I ask that. Conspiracy researchers have their fingers much closer to the pulse of what’s really happening than the mainstream news (which is dedicated to promoting human dependence and illusion). But Icke, Jones and other outspoken lovers of freedom have not figured everything out, nor do they claim they have. Their understandings are works in progress.

To swallow whole everything you read in a David Icke book without examining the research yourself is to be a follower, and being followers got the human race into its current fix. When we follow like sheep, we tend to get herded into a pen."

http://brontebaxter.wordpress.com/2009/ ... r-answers/

Επιστροφή στο “Η Δική μας Αντίσταση”